Texas Legislature

TLTA advocates on behalf of the title industry at the Texas Legislature and actively proposes legislation, engages legislators and monitors proposed legislation and defends against legislation that could negatively impact the industry. The TLTA Legislative Committee meets regularly to formulate potential legislation, to discuss bills and make recommendations to the Board on any legislation that might have an impact on our members’ business interests.

TLTA Emerges Victorious From 85th Legislative Session

TLTA had three items on our legislative agenda for this session:

  1. Maintain our successful title insurance system by opposing efforts to dismantle it - Bills Defeated
  2. Support establishing a process for adverse possession amongst co-tenant heirs - Bill Passed
  3. Support uniform lis pendens expungement standards - Bill Passed
In addition, TLTA also supported access to public records and clarity in the property code. Read More About TLTA’s Legislative Agenda.

Read TLTA's 2017 Legislative Report for a recap of the session and an overview of legislation of interest.

Follow Legislation

TLTA closely tracks several hundred bills over the course of the legislative session. The TLTA Legislative Committee reviews all tracked bills and provides feedback on how these bills could potentially affect the title insurance industry. See TLTA's 2017 Bills of Interest and read the latest TLTA Legislative Updates

You too can follow legislation which you are particularly concerned about. The Texas Legislature Online contains the full searchable text of Texas laws, bills and Constitution. It also includes a schedule of events at the Capitol building, links to the House and Senate calendars and other news and information about the Texas Legislature. If you feel a bill is of particular importance and want to make sure TLTA is on top of it please email Aaron Day at aaron@tlta.com.

Past Legislative Session Information

2015 | 2013 | 2011 | 2009 | 2007 | 2005 | 2003

Find Your Legislators

Find out who represents you here.

Get Involved

Educate your local policymakers about the title insurance industry using TLTA’s Texas Title Insurance Works Toolbox.

If you have a personal connection to a legislator, please let us know. We may call on you to help us advocate for key legislation that affects the title insurance industry. 
The Texas Land Title Association’s political action committee, TLTAPAC, is an essential part of the advocacy program at TLTA. The voluntary, non-partisan organization is exclusively dedicated to promoting the Texas land title insurance industry to members of the Texas Legislature and other elected officials.

Day at the Capitol

TLTA’s Day at the Capitol is a biennial event for every title professional. It is an excellent opportunity for you to speak directly with your legislators about the issues that impact our title industry and ultimately your bottom line.

Key Committees

Texas House of Representatives
Texas Senate